الريحان المستخدمة في التلفيقات محلية الصنع أو في الشاي الأخضر، يمكن أن يحسن الهضم وتوفير الحصانة ضد السعال والبرد الشائع. صلاد مع الطماطم والريحان واندفاعة من العسل هو خيار جيد لتناول وجبة خفيفة. كما يمكن غلي أوراق هذا المقدسة بالماء وتستهلك
Tulsi or basil is a rich source of essential minerals such as calcium, potassium, zinc, and other vitamins. It also has anti-cancer properties. Basil used in home-made concoctions or in green tea, can improve digestion and provide immunity against the common cough and cold. A salad with tomatoes, basil and a dash of honey is a good option for a snack. This holy leaf can also be boiled with water and consumed
Tulsi or basil is a rich source of essential minerals such as calcium, potassium, zinc, and other vitamins. It also has anti-cancer properties. Basil used in home-made concoctions or in green tea, can improve digestion and provide immunity against the common cough and cold. A salad with tomatoes, basil and a dash of honey is a good option for a snack. This holy leaf can also be boiled with water and consumed